Project Description:

The Winchester multifamily residential complex had been designed to place greater emphasis on the individual homeowner and their needs.

The development had been divided into five blocks eliminating the need for long communal corridors. The multiple entries improved the individuality of each block increasing the intimacy at each level, with only four neighbors per floor, granting a greater level of privacy for each unit. The unit layouts each with a personal veranda, offers the widest possibility of maximizing the cross ventilation for each unit. The units were further personalized with each unit having their own utilities and laundry closest, a feature not common in multi-family complexes with the market.

Eliminating the need for elevators, the restriction of three flights of stairs to the furthest unit was employed, with the fourth level only being accessed internally providing these units a further opportunity of personalization.

Ground floor units were also personalized with their own garden enclosure. The articulation of building facades further supported the concept with different architectural features being emphasized at each level. It was then easy to identify one’s home within the community.

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